
The willingness to be a fool

There are certain times in life when you lose an opportunity or you are just having a bad day.
This can happen to anyone and this keeps happening everyday around us but we are unaware of it.
When you lose an opportunity it is not a big deal but it turns out to be one because it tends to get the attention of everyone around you.
What people are going to say to you and what they are going to talk about you behind your back makes you afraid of giving another attempt to things.
The fear of what others are going to think of you takes away your willingness to do better in life.
These are the types of people you should stay away from.
They try to stay in their comfort zone and they are never able to achieve extraordinary things in life.
They don't have the willingness to look foolish to accomplish great goals and this is how they want you to be as well.
To aspire great things in life you have to learn to take failure as a stepping stone for a bright and a promising life in future for yourself.
It is a thing to wonder as to why you don't seem to be accomplishing the things that you would like to be in life.
You get so close to the edge of the cliff from where you are about to step up and grab hold of the great opportunity that you have but then you stop all of a sudden.
You have worked your way to the top and you have worked really hard for it but then something holds you back.
The goal that you have set for yourself is left unachieved.
In stillness of that moment there is a hesitation, you will understand what is holding you back.
The underlying fear of judgment, the fear of being a fool takes a heavy toll on you.
It is really important to overcome your fears if you want to reach the heights of success in life.
You can define fear like an invisible fence.
We can see through it to the other side, where you want to be.
But most of the time you don't understand what is keeping you from reaching your goal.
You are often not aware that there is fear in the way, blocking you from reaching your destination.
If you are not aware of the core fear that is obstructing your path, you will often take easy steps towards your goals that are less risky and also these require less courage from you.
These don't create much impact and are less rewarding.
You doubt your potential and so you are not able to achieve your goals in life.
The willingness to be a fool is the precursor to transformation.
Only if you get out of your comfort zone and take up a challenging task to reach your goals even if it makes you look like a fool then only you will overcome your fears.
To do better in life you need to make decisions differently from the rest.
This makes you stand out from the others in the crowd.
Only if you have the willingness to be a fool you will able to reach great heights of success and live a positive life.
Your willingness to be a fool can inspire many others to achieve their aspirations which they couldn't achieve because of their fears.
So don't give up now and don't let anything hold you back from wanting to achieve success in your life.



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Arijit Bhattacharyya